La Niña Roja is the second color of the 3 robes.

She rules everything here on earth; protection, money, jobs, finding or selling a house, love drawing, domination, mending a relationship or breakups, court cases and deaths that involve blood.

Invocational Prayer

Almighty God, before your Divine Presence, in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, I ask permission to invoke the Santisima Muerte. Holy and Powerful Mother, at this moment I beg for your presence and intervention. Through the great power, which God has given you, I beg  you to hear my prayers and grant me all the favors I ask of you until the last day, hour, and moment when the Divine Majesty shall call me before his divine presence. Santisima Muerte, beloved of my hearts, do not abandon me without your protection. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.


(from The New Orleans Chapel of Santisima Muerte)

Prayer for La Roja

Santisima Muerte, La Roja, Most Holy Death of the Red Robe, born from the first love, hear my prayers.

Niña Roja, you whose powers over matters of the heart are beyond compare, know my desires and grant me what I ask.

Glorious Madrina, you who work within the world, through the great power, which God has given you, I ask that you assist me with my many needs.

Santisima Muerte La Roja, Holiest of Archangels, protect me from the deaths of your robe. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.


(from the The New Orleans chapel of Santisima Muerte)

Petition Prayer

Santisima Muerte, La Roja, beloved of my hearts, do not abandon me without your protection.

Oh Holy and Immaculate Being of Light, I beg of you to look with compassion upon me and my petition.

Oh Holy Angel of God, who shall come to each and everyone one of us, who has the power to remove the soul from the flesh, I beg of you to grant the petition I place before thee. (Mention your petition or place it on her altar.)

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.


(from The New Orleans Chapel of Santisima Muerte)

Prayer for Money

Oh Holy Mother la Muerte, in your hands all things shall come to dust. No gold or silver can turn your gaze, nor block your path.

You cast it aside as dust, just as you will do to my flesh when the Divine Majesty calls. Oh Holy Mother, place me in the path of gold.

Oh Holy Mother, place me in the path of silver. Let prosperity come to me, but assist me to always remember that wealth is only a useful tool, when one does not become its slave. 


(from The New Orleans Chapel of Santisima Muerte)

Prayer for Employment

Santisima Muerte, you know what lies down all paths, and can see beyond all roads. Lead me down a prosperous path, that I may find employment that will be befitting the vocation which the Divine Majesty has ordained for me. Assist me in this necessity, for in God I believe, and in you I confide. 


(from The New Orleans Chapel of Santisima Muerte)