Prayers for La Niña Negra is the 3rd color of the 3 robes. She’s strong, protective of her children and very straight forward. Make sure you cleanse yourself and connect with La Blanca after working with La Negra to uplift yourself. Her energy stays with you otherwise and it can influence your mood and even change your character.

(you can get a short fuse and get kinda paranoid)

Prayer for La Negra

Santisima Muerte, La Negra, Most Holy Death of the Black Robe, born from the first murder, you who are the hottest of the Three, hear my prayers.

Powerful Muerte, enthroned as queen of the witches, only you can descend into Hell and not be touched by the demons and spirits that reside there.

Fearsome Mother, you grant the strongest protection from curses, witchcraft, and evil spirits, and the diseases of the world are also your children, who you send and take way at will. Grant me your protection, La Negra, and cover me with your shadowy robe.

This I ask in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.


(from The New Orleans Chapel of Santisima Muerte)

Prayer for Protection

Santisima Muerte, La Negra, hold me in your powerful arms and shadow me with your mantle.

Protect me from all harm, let no evil befall me.

To those who wish me harm: Blind their eyes, so they can’t see me, Bind their arms, so they can’t grab me,

Bind their feet, so they can’t follow me, Stop their ears, so they can’t hear me, and Cloud their minds so they’ll forget me.


(from The New Orleans Chapel of Santisima Muerte)

Prayer to Remove Evil

Oh Santisima Muerte, Our Blessed Lady of the Land of the Shades, I beseech your presence and intervention.

With your cloak, cover me with the mantle of your holy protection, and with your scythe, cut down all evil that presents itself in my live, my home, my job, and my path. Through the great power, which God has given you, I ask that you banish all evil spirits, evil spells, witchcraft, hexes, curses, evil eyes, evil minds, and evil hearts from my presence.

Our Most Holy Mother, look through the darkness that surrounds me, and remove all these evils.


(from The New Orleans Chapel of Santisima Muerte)

Prayer Against Enemies (The Prayer of the Scythe)

Santisima Muerte, La Negra, I come before you, kneeling at your feet, imploring your force, power, and presence against those who intend to destroy me.

Our Mother, I ask that you be my shield and protection against the evil my enemies may send against me.

With your scythe, cut through all obstacles that they have placed in my way, and open all doors they have closed to me.

Clear my path, and lift me up beyond their reach, that their wickedness may not touch me.


(from The New Orleans Chapel of Santisima Muerte)